Now we make our code restrict to things near the user when they allow geolocation…but the results aren’t really what we’re shooting for.
def earthquake_display(request): search_origin = False if request.GET.get('lat') and request.GET.get('lon'): search_origin = Point(float(request.GET.get('lon')), float(request.GET.get('lat'))) weekago = - datetime.timedelta(days=7) quakes = Quake.objects.filter(datetime__gte=weekago).order_by('-datetime') last_check = cache.get('usgs-poll-last-finished', datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1)) checking = cache.get('usgs-poll-in-progress', False) if not checking: cache.set('usgs-poll-in-progress', True) latest_quake_ago = - quakes[0].datetime latest_check_ago = - last_check if latest_quake_ago > datetime.timedelta(minutes=90) and latest_check_ago > datetime.timedelta(minutes=90): from django.core import management management.call_command('load_quakes') cache.set('usgs-poll-last-finished', # and refresh the QuerySet to get the new data quakes = Quake.objects.filter(datetime__gte=weekago).order_by('-datetime') cache.delete('usgs-poll-in-progress') checking = False if search_origin: quakes = quakes.distance(search_origin).order_by('distance', '-datetime') quakes = quakes[:25] return render_to_response('earthquakes.html', { 'object_list': quakes, 'checking': checking, }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
<html> <head> <script src=''></script> <script language='JavaScript'> function checkLocation() { var getData = new QueryData(); if ('lat' in getData) { } else { if (navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition( function (ppos) { window.location.href = window.location.href + '?lat=' + ppos.coords.latitude + '&lon=' + ppos.coords.longitude; }, function (err) { switch(err.code) { case err.TIMEOUT: alert('Attempts to retrieve location timed out.') break; case err.POSITION_UNAVAILABLE: alert("Your browser doesn't know where you are.") break; case err.PERMISSION_DENIED: alert('You have to give us permission!') break; case err.UNKNOWN_ERROR: alert('Unknown error returned.') break; default: alert(err + ' ' + err.code) } } ); } } } </script> </head> <body{% block body_override %} onLoad="javascript:checkLocation();"{% endblock body_override %}> {% block content %} {% for object in object_list %} {{ object }}<br> {% endfor %} {% endblock content %} </body> </html>
This is returning results with too much emphasis on distance and not enough on how long ago the activity at that distance was. So I tried a few things:
- Restrict to activity only in the past 4 hours instead of a week (not bad! helps quite a bit.)
- Restrict to activity within 1000 miles (maybe restricts too much? This left me with no results for Missouri where I write this, but there are no quakes recently near here.
Between them I got a pretty usable app. If it can’t find anything, “Nope.” is returned. For now, if anything was found it returns a list. If we wanted we could hook up GeoIP as a fallback, but since I’m playgrounding this on I don’t have c extensions to use the module and have to call it good with just HTML5.
The “final” view, if you’d like to see it:
def earthquake_display(request): search_origin = False if request.GET.get('lat') and request.GET.get('lon'): search_origin = Point(float(request.GET.get('lon')), float(request.GET.get('lat'))) search_origin.transform(900913) search_poly = search_origin.buffer(1000 * 2172.344) search_poly.transform(4326) search_origin.transform(4326) # weekago = - datetime.timedelta(days=7) # quakes = Quake.objects.filter(datetime__gte=weekago).order_by('-datetime') last_4_hrs = - datetime.timedelta(hours=4) quakes = Quake.objects.filter(datetime__gte=last_4_hrs).order_by('-datetime') last_check = cache.get('usgs-poll-last-finished', datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1)) checking = cache.get('usgs-poll-in-progress', False) if not checking: cache.set('usgs-poll-in-progress', True) latest_quake_ago = - quakes[0].datetime latest_check_ago = - last_check if latest_quake_ago > datetime.timedelta(minutes=90) and latest_check_ago > datetime.timedelta(minutes=90): from django.core import management management.call_command('load_quakes') cache.set('usgs-poll-last-finished', # and refresh the QuerySet to get the new data # quakes = Quake.objects.filter(datetime__gte=weekago).order_by('-datetime') quakes = Quake.objects.filter(datetime__gte=last_4_hrs).order_by('-datetime') cache.delete('usgs-poll-in-progress') checking = False if search_origin: quakes = quakes.filter(point__within=search_origin) quakes = quakes.distance(search_origin).order_by('distance', '-datetime') quakes = quakes[:10] return render_to_response('earthquakes.html', { 'object_list': quakes, 'checking': checking, }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
With that we’ve built a small app with a data source, views, templates, and a “real” purpose all the way through. I hope it’s been helpful for several of you and apologize that some things wound up basically just being repeated from earlier topics, but hopefully after the in-depth back then it was easier to walk along as something was built from it.